You've stumbled onto my wiki. There are other trending names for such a space, [[digital garden]] 🌱 or second brain 🧠. So, call it what you like. I use this site for capturing my unformed thoughts, scribbles or notes if you like, hence the title.
The posts in here aren't fully baked -- I like the term working notes that I have read at a few places. I post what I like or what I am thinking of. There's no cohesion, no index for any of these. When it grows too huge, I may add a few links to this index note.
What's the best way to navigate this space then, you ask? Well, there's none. You are free to poke around, get a peek at what am working on or busy with. But you can start with [[my first note]] that captures my struggles as I began this journey or my notes on this [[digital garden setup]]. From there, you can click on anything that you find interesting. Here's an index of sorts for the things I keep updated currently.
My idea is to create, have fun, and learn new something every day! ✌🏽